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浏览:- 发布日期:2023-09-26 12:04:46【



  1. 晶体频率:晶体振动的频率由其物理结构、成分和尺寸决定。每种晶体类型都有一个自然共振频率,也称为基频或共振频率。这个共振频率决定了SMD晶体精确测量时间或产生稳定振荡的能力。
  2. 精密晶体:精密晶体专门设计用于以高度稳定的频率振动,确保电子系统中精确的计时和同步。这些晶体经过精心的制造工艺,即使在苛刻的环境中也能保证稳定可靠的性能。它们通常用于石英表、精密时钟和电信设备等应用中。
  3. 晶体的频率:晶体可以根据其应用要求以各种频率振动。虽然精密晶体通常工作在较低的频率,从几千赫兹到几兆赫,但也有高频晶体可以达到千兆赫范围的频率。合适的晶体频率的选择取决于多种因素,如所需的精度、功耗和特定电子系统的需求。
  4. 编码 Series 品牌 描述 频率
    X3S027000BK1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 27.000MHZ
    X1C048000FK1H-HX HSX111AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,1.65x1.25mm RoHS 48.000MHZ
    X3S030000BK1H HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 30.000MHZ
    X3S026000B81H-NCHZ HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 26.000MHZ
    X2C016000B81H-HPU HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2016 RoHS 16.000MHZ
    X3S013560DA1H-HU HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 13.560MHZ
    X2C024000B91H-HZ HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.0x1.6mm RoHS 24.000MHZ
    X2C037400BG1H-U HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2016 RoHS 37.400MHZ
    X3S024000DC1H HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 24.000MHZ
    X2B040000BF1H-HT HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2520 RoHS 40.000MHZ
    X2B030000BA1H-U HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 30.000MHZ
    X2B026000B91H-HR HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 26.000MHZ
    X3S028375DK1H HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 28.375MHZ
    X3S050000FK1H HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 50.000MHZ
    X2B038400BA1H-U HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2520 RoHS 38.400MHZ
    X3S012000FK1H-HV HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225 RoHS 12.000MHZ
    X3S032000BA1H-R HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 32.000MHZ
    X2B040000B91H-U HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 40.000MHZ
    X3S012000DK1H HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225 RoHS 12.000MHZ
    X3S020000BI1H-HZ HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 20.000MHZ
    X2B032000C81H-HU HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 32.000MHZ
    X3S030000BA1H-S HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 30.000MHZ
    X3S030000BA1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225 RoHS 30.000MHZ
    X3S026000B71HZ-NCHPR HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 26.000MHZ
    X2B012000B91H-U HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 12.000MHZ
    X2C027120FA1H-HV HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.0x1.6mm RoHS 27.120MHZ
    X1C032000B81H-HU HSX111AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,1.65x1.25mm RoHS 32.000MHZ
    X2B030000BA1H-HW HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 30.000MHZ
    X3S011059FK1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225 RoHS 11.0592MHZ
    X2B026000B91H-HV HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2520 RoHS 26.000MHZ
    X3S032000LK1H-Z HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 32.000MHZ
    X2C040000B91HA-Z HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2016 RoHS 40.000MHZ
    X2B026000BC1H-Z HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 26.000MHZ
    X2B016000BC1H-HV HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 16.000MHZ
    X2C016000B91H-R HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.0x1.6mm RoHS 16.000MHZ
    X3S032000BG1H-Z HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 32.000MHZ
    X3S036000BG1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225 RoHS 36.000MHZ
    X2B019200BZ1H-CHZ HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 19.200MHZ
    X2C032000BA1HA-U HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.0x1.6mm RoHS 32.000MHZ
    X2B026000B91H-U HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 26.000MHZ
    X2B026000L91H-S HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 26.000MHZ
    X2C048000L71H-CEHZ HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.0x1.6mm RoHS 48.000MHZ
    X3S027000FC1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 27.000MHZ
    X2B030000FA1H-X HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2520 RoHS 30.000MHZ
    X2C032000BC1H-R HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.0x1.6mm RoHS 32.000MHZ
    X3S012000BI1H-R HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225 RoHS 12.000MHZ
    X3S012000DG1H-H HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225 RoHS 12.000MHZ
    X3S030000BA1H-U HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 30.000MHZ
    X2B024000FK1H-V HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 24.000MHZ
    X3Z01474ADK1H-U HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 14.7456MHZ
    X1C026000BC1H-HZ HSX111AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,1.65x1.25mm RoHS 26.000MHZ
    X2B026000B81H-CHZ HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 26.000MHZ
    X3S020000BA1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 20.000MHZ
    X5H008000DK1H HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD_5032-2P RoHS 8.000MHZ
    X3Z02863ADK1H-U HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 28.63636MHZ
    X3S02863ADA1H-W HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 28.63636MHZ
    X3S010000BK1H-X HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-3225 RoHS 10.000MHZ
    X2C038400BA1H-HZ HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD-2016 RoHS 38.400MHZ
    X3S008000FA1H-X HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 8.000MHZ
    X2B02863ADC1H-W HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 28.63636MHZ
    X2B032000D81H-U HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 32.000MHZ
    X3S027000BK1H HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 27.000MHZ
    X2B025000BI1H-U HSX221SA HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.5x2.0mm RoHS 25.000MHZ
    X2C032000B81H-HS HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.0x1.6mm RoHS 32.000MHZ
    X3S011059BA1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 11.0592MHZ
    X3S012800DF1H-V HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 12.800MHZ
    X1H008000DC1H-U HSX531S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 8MHz ±20ppm SMD_5032-4P RoHS 8.000MHZ
    XSA004000DK1HA-OX HC-49S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 4MHz ±20ppm SMD RoHS 4.000MHZ
    X2C026000B71H-HZ HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators 26MHz ±10ppm SMD-2016_4P RoHS 26.000MHZ
    X3S008000BK1H-U HSX321S HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,3.2x2.5mm RoHS 8.000MHZ
    X2C048000BA1H-HZ HSX211S-AU HELE加高晶振 SMD Crystal Resonators SMD,2.0x1.6mm RoHS 48.000MHZ
  1. 通信系统:高频晶体在通信系统中起着至关重要的作用,因为精确的定时和同步至关重要。这些晶体能够实现精确的信号产生和调制,有助于在Wi-Fi、蓝牙和蜂窝网络等无线通信技术中实现无缝数据传输。
  2. 数字时钟和处理器:数字时钟和处理器中采用高频石英晶体,提供必要的定时信号,以确保精确的数据处理和不同组件之间的同步。这些晶体能够在现代电子设备中实现高速运行,从而提高整体系统性能。
  3. 雷达和科学仪器:高频晶体应用于需要精确测量和快速数据处理的雷达系统和科学仪器中。它们有助于这些先进技术的高分辨率成像、信号生成和数据采集能力。遥遥领先HELE高频石英晶体支持蜂窝网络.






Crystals, with their unique molecular structures, possess the remarkable ability to vibrate at specific frequencies. These vibrations are harnessed in a wide range of applications, including precision timekeeping, communication systems, and electronic devices. In this blog post, we will delve into the frequencies at which crystals vibrate, explore the concept of precision crystals, and provide insights into high-frequency crystals.

Understanding Crystal Vibrations

  1. Frequency of Crystals: The frequency at which a crystal vibrates is determined by its physical structure, composition, and dimensions. Each crystal type has a natural resonant frequency, also known as its fundamental frequency or resonance frequency. This resonant frequency determines the crystal's ability to accurately measure time or generate stable oscillations.
  2. Precision Crystals: Precision crystals are specifically engineered to vibrate at highly stable frequencies, ensuring precise timekeeping and synchronization in electronic systems. These crystals undergo meticulous manufacturing processes to guarantee consistent and reliable performance, even in demanding environments. They are commonly used in applications such as quartz watches, precision clocks, and telecommunications equipment.
  3. Frequencies of Crystals: Crystals can vibrate at various frequencies depending on their application requirements. While precision crystals typically operate at lower frequencies, ranging from a few kilohertz to a few megahertz, there are also high-frequency crystals that can reach frequencies in the gigahertz range. The selection of the appropriate crystal frequency depends on factors such as the desired accuracy, power consumption, and the specific electronic system's needs.

The Role of High-Frequency Crystals

  1. Communication Systems: High-frequency crystals play a vital role in communication systems, where accurate timing and synchronization are crucial. These crystals enable precise signal generation and modulation, facilitating seamless data transfer in wireless communication technologies like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cellular networks.
  2. Digital Clocks and Processors: High-frequency crystals are employed in digital clocks and processors, providing the necessary timing signals to ensure accurate data processing and synchronization between different components. These crystals enable high-speed operations in modern electronic devices, improving overall system performance.
  3. Radar and Scientific Instruments: High-frequency crystals find applications in radar systems and scientific instruments that require precise measurements and rapid data processing. They contribute to the high-resolution imaging, signal generation, and data acquisition capabilities of these advanced technologies.

Crystal Frequency List

While it is not possible to provide an exhaustive crystal frequency list due to the vast number of crystal types available, crystal manufacturers and suppliers often provide catalogs or online resources that detail the frequencies at which their crystals vibrate. These resources offer valuable information for engineers and designers seeking crystals with specific frequency requirements for their projects.


Crystals possess the incredible ability to vibrate at specific frequencies, making them crucial components in various electronic systems. From precision crystals that ensure accurate timekeeping to high-frequency crystals that enable advanced communication and data processing, the range of frequencies at which crystals vibrate provides solutions for a myriad of applications.

As you explore the world of crystal vibrations, consider the specific frequency requirements of your project and consult reputable crystal manufacturers and suppliers who can provide comprehensive information and guidance on selecting the most suitable crystal for your needs